SDGs & Quality and Environmental Policy
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About SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)

About the SDGs on which we focus
We are faced with a variety of issues such as global warming, environmental problems caused by resource depletion, energy problems caused by population growth, and information security problems caused by globalization. In order to address these social issues, we will contribute to building a sustainable society by pursuing "Sanwa-ness" to protect people's environment and lifestyles, and to enhance safety and comfort.
ISO 14001 Environmental Policy
Environmental philosophy
Recognizing that the preservation of the global environment is the most important issue common to all mankind, we have established our environmental management system to make the 21st century a better place to live, and through the manufacture and sale of various foams, we will act with consideration for the preservation of the global environment in all aspects of our corporate activities.
Action policy
We will continuously improve the impact of our corporate activities on the environment and strive to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact.
We will also actively take action by establishing environmental objectives and targets based on the following priority issues, and by practicing and reviewing our actions to achieve these objectives and targets.
- We will strive to reduce waste through the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
- We will further promote the development and sales of ecological products.
- We will strive to properly manage chemical substances and reduce the amount of chemical substances stored.
- We will promote resource conservation and efficient use of energy such as heavy oil and electricity.
- We will comply with environmental laws and regulations applicable to our company and other requirements to which we agree.
- We will make this environmental policy known to all employees and implement and maintain it with the participation of all employees.
- We will disclose our environmental policy to the general public by, for example, posting it on our website.
ISO 9001 Quality policy
"Enhance the quality of our products to the satisfaction of our customers through the efforts of each and every one of us!"
Ibaraki Sanwa Kako Co., Ltd.